Tuesday, November 13, 2012

My Hair Journey

I've decided to document my hair every month to see its progress in getting healthy and longer again.

As you can see in these pictures, it's been damaged and thinned out due to dying and improper care. I'm no longer going to dye my hair, and instead try to restore it back to healthy hair. My goal is also to grow it out to the classic length, which is basically down to my ass.

It's going to take a long while for me to fix my hair, but I'm determined to make it healthy again. :)


My Hair Care Routine (as of Nov. 13, 2012)
  • Wash my hair every 3 days                              
  • Shampoo: Joico K-Pack                                   
  • Conditioner: Zotos Age Beautiful conditioner
  • Aldi's Morrocan Aargon oil                             
  • Air dry                                                             

    The products that I've been using aren't natural enough for me. I'm going to change my shampoo and conditioner to more organic ones. I haven't chosen a brand yet, but when I do I'll put it on an updated hair care routine post.

    Also, I don't like the version of moroccan oil I have been using. It is scented and contains cones. I will likely be switching over to pure Extra Virgin Olive Oil instead. 
          Expect a more detailed post soon on my new hair products and routine. For now I have started by only air drying my hair and using a wide tooth comb when it is dry. I will post progress pictures exactly a month from now.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Basic skincare 101

Hi there! This is my first entry, yay! I'm going to be talking about basic skin knowledge .
There are many, many factors that effect your skin, let's explore some of them.

#1: Sleep
Did you ever think 'beauty sleep' was just a phrase? Well, it is quite true. Sleep is essential for good skin. While we sleep our body heals and repairs itself. Skin cells regenerate, our growth hormones peak, and tissues repair themselves. Trust me, I know how hard it is to find the time to sleep the recommended 8 hours (pulling all-nighters, rough nights and that jazz) but you should try to as much as you can. Not only will your immune system and bodily functions become healthy, but your skin will look younger and fresher as well.

#2: Diet
Diet is another major factor on your skin, I don't care what the skeptics say. Any creams or remedies won't affect your skin as much as getting good nutrition. Water is one of the most important factors, you should drink at least 8 glasses a day. Now, if you have a problem with it tasting bland, try adding some lemon to it (that's even better for your skin actually). Vitamins C, E, and B are also a great help. I won't get into how each one specifically helps, but overall they increase circulation throughout the body. I would recommend having each of these vitamins daily. Fish is also good for the skin, the oils in it provide moisture for the skin. However, if you're like me and aren't a fan of seafood, then try taking cod liver oil. It is like a vitamin and has cod fish oil in it. Fibers such as apples, broccoli, seeds, nuts, and figs are good for you and your skin, they prevent constipation.